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How to say goodbye to blemished skin

Our holistic beauty concept

The skin– our biggest organ– is a natural shield, multi-layered friend and helper, and the mirror of our soul. If we’re well, so is our skin, and vice versa. With a total area of around 2 sqm it envelops our body, protecting us against many different dangers such as UV rays, harmful environmental impacts or bad bacteria.

Over the course of our lives, our skin is constantly under pressure as it works to make life a little better. But we can help it do its work by giving it what it needs.

Blemished skin is a problem that affects a huge number of people but also one that we can help to improve. What is blemished skin really, what causes it, and what can I do about it? We answer these questions in the following blog article.

We asked our Research & Development Department and have summarised some interesting expert knowledge for you.


What is blemished skin and what causes it?

We define blemished skin as skin impurities that are caused in combination with greasy or oily skin, essentially because of an overproduction of sebum.

This is mainly due to hormones or, to be more precise, the male sex hormone androgen. That is why young people going through puberty are most badly affected by blemished skin. Apart from hormones, however, other factors also play a crucial role. These include genetic predisposition, diet, age and external environmental influences.

If too much sebum is produced – known as seborrhoea – the skin acquires an oily shine. When cornification takes place in the outermost skin layer, excess sebum can no longer drain off; the pores start to get blocked, inflammation occurs, and this gives rise to blackheads and spots.

Nonetheless, oily skin also has a few upsides: sebum protects the skin from drying out, from the cold, wetness and sun exposure, and also keeps it firm for longer. What’s important is to maintain a natural balance, and to combat the overproduction of sebum with the right care and diet.


What can I do about blemished skin?

The Number One goal should be to keep the skin free of dirt and bacteria. Constantly touching your face is an absolute no-no – that’s much easier said than done! People touch their faces up to 800 times a day, and every time they do that, particles that we really don’ maybe even t want there are transferred to our skin. 🙅‍♀️

Touching our faces is a subconscious mechanism that serves to reduce stress, so it’s impossible to avoid completely. That makes regular, gentle skin care all the more important.

However, it isn’t only from the outside that you can improve the look of your skin. There are also some internal factors that encourage blemished skin. For instance, smoking, stress and a bad diet can also stimulate sebum production.

Foods that raise our blood sugar levels increase the likelihood of blemished skin. So we should try to reduce our intake of sugar and dairy products, and focus on fibre-rich foods. These include wholegrain products, pulses, mushrooms, fruit and vegetables. Our skin will be grateful. 🍎


Good to remember:

  • Keep your hands away from your face
  • Change pillows and hand towels regularly
  • ALWAYS remove make-up
  • Establish a fixed facial care routine with products to suit your skin type
  • Choose a healthy balanced diet with lots of fruit, veg and water
  • Don’t squeeze spots


The RINGANA Skincare Routine

Our Research & Development Department has given some thought to this matter and put together a beauty routine for you that is specially designed for oily skin that tends to impurities. You can improve and protect the condition of your skin by using our gentle care products in the correct order.

We recommend that you use the following skin care routine twice a day:

1. Cleanse skin with FRESH cleansing water

2. Tone skin with FRESH tonic pure

3. Apply FRESH hydro serum as a long-lasting moisturiser that penetrates really deep into the skin
-> As needed: mix FRESH hydro serum with ADDS repair as a care booster for irritated skin

4. To finish off: apply FRESH cream light as a rich care product that supplies the skin with moisture and nourishing lipids


We recommend that you complement this routine once or twice a week with the FRESH illuminating enzyme mask. It breaks down dead skin cells and removes excess sebum. At the same time cell renewal is promoted. With enzyme peeling, you don’t need to rub off the grains as you would with a conventional exfoliant. That makes it ultra mild and particularly well suited to sensitive skin as well.

FRESH illuminating enzyme mask
Fruit enzyme exfoliation
50 ml


Beauty from within – a different kind of skin care

For a holistic beauty concept, we recommend that you build on a healthy, fit lifestyle with lots of movement, a balanced diet, and a nice big serving of self-love. In addition, you can give your skin care routine with our fresh skin care products an extra boost from within, and do your skin even more good with CAPS beauty & hair.

They contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances such as Ajuga reptans – cell culture extract, melon fruit juice concentrate and black elderberry extract. These contribute to hormonal balance. The ingredients in CAPS beauty & hair also combat skin ageing, thus giving you a fresher complexion, firmer tissue, stronger hair and more resilient nails.

CAPS beauty & hair
Beauty from within
90 Kap.

This combination of internal and external skin care produce the ideal holistic beauty routine, guaranteed to restore your skin’s radiance! 🌟

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