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Website update

What to expect…

In the next few days a brand-new update of our website will go live, ensuring that your shopping experience is fast, easy and safe. It is essential to modify the website regularly because it is a modern, digital business card for our company. The following areas have been given a makeover as part of the update.

#1 Homepage

You’ll love the homepage’s new, fresh design. Both our product categories and our best-selling items are visible here at first glance. Apart from that, we’ve created a direct link to the latest blogs, the Newsletter subscription is highlighted, and we present our social media community’s most fantastic #ringana moments. The update has paid special attention to mobile usability. Naturally, the optimisation and new design are also reflected in your personal Partner page.

#2 Menu

We’ve made the menu even clearer. All of the important information will be divided into five main points: Shop, Special Offers, So new, Corporate and My Business. The “My Business” area is visible only to RINGANA Partners and contains the menu items: News, Calendar, Downloads, My Partner Page, Team & Customers, Reports, Online Academy and Skills & Training. We would also like to draw particular attention to the Partner application which potential Partners will be able to find in Corporate/Business when the update goes live.

#3 Footer

Our website’s footer has also been restructured.

We hope you’re looking forward to the update as much as we are!

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